
Best Western Kent Narrows Inn - For your convenience, a block of rooms has been reserved at The Best Western Kent Narrows Inn, located 10 minutes from the venue.  Please use the following link to reserve your room online -

You can also call the hotel directly at (410)827-6767. Please reference the Nyman/Vigil Wedding and be sure to book your room by March 28, 2023 in order to receive the discounted rate. 

One thing to note is that there are multiple weddings the weekend as our wedding so hotel rooms will sell fast. If you do intend on coming, please book your hotel ASAP! If the room block does sell out, there are multiple other hotels close by which are listen below. 

Hyatt Place Kent Narrows & Marina - Located 10 minutes away from Kent Island Resort

Hilton Garden Inn - Located 9 minutes away from Kent Island Resort. 

Holiday Inn Express - Located 9 minutes away from Kent Island Resort

If you click the name of the hotel, it will take you directly to their website. 


We will provide transportation to the venue from your hotel, and back to your hotel at the night's end. The shuttle will be running from 10:00 pm - 12:00 am.

1st pickup - Hilton Garden Inn @ 3:30
2nd pick up - Best Western @ 3:40
3rd pickup - Hyatt Place @ 3:50
4th pick up - Holiday Inn Express @ 4:00

Please be out front and on time for the shuttle pick-up, because there will be only one chance to get on! Shuttles will not be making two rounds of pickups!


Bay Bridge

We highly reccomend staying at a hotel located in Stevensville, not Annapolis. We want you to be close to join us in celebrating our special day, and not having to worry about traffic!